An open spot in your team that needs to be filled?
Involve an expert.
Ilse De Baets is a seasoned professional with 15 years of experience in a big 4 company and is recognised as a true power connector. She offers a deep understanding of the talent that fits your organisation and acts as a sustainable recruitment partner for all parties involved.

Does this situation ring a bell?
Your situation:
You have an open spot in your team that needs to be filled with a permanent profile: finance profiles or management profiles (general management, HR, supply chain,...).
You are looking for a recruitment partner that listens and truly understands your needs (required competencies, ambitions, attitude, cultural and personal fit).
You are ready to meet candidates that highly exceed your expectations.
Your previous experience with recruiters and headhunters:
The recruiter does not understand our needs and does not feel your company culture.
The proposed candidates are of low quality and a total waste of time.
Candidates are presented at different companies which reduces the chances of a match.

Solution? Involve an Expert.
Involve an expert who understands your business, your challenges and the market in which you operate. Who has a wide network and is able to identify, screen and convince the exact profile you need.
Get surprised by the changemaker mindset: a flexible service offering and compensation that fits your needs and budget. A perfect integration of our service within the procedures of your talent acquisition team.
Candidates experience an exceptional recruiting journey: they are understood, supported and an open and honest communication is maintained throughout the entire recruitment process.
About me
" With 15 years of experience in a big 4 company, I have gained a deep understanding of what sets high-performing teams apart from their counterparts. I know the skills and knowledge required for professionals to excel in their roles.
This expertise has given me a unique perspective in the market, allowing me to effectively communicate with clients and fully grasp the competency needs within a team.
I'm a soulpreneur. I use my intuïtion and warm connection to understand candidates on a personal level and see the person behind its professional title. This sweetspot sets me apart and allows me to make accurate and informed assessments and successful and sustainable matches from the heart. "

How it works
Get to know you
Exploring the question of why a candidate should choose you is something that I thoroughly enjoy. By showcasing your distinct and genuine value proposition, I can draw in the perfect candidate for the job.
Direct search
Carefully selected potential candidates are flattered if they receive an authentic and personalised message with a clear value proposition. This opens the door to further communication.
A deep screening
Candidates are inquired about their dreams and ambitions, values and non-negotiables. Past experiences, attitude and work ethics are carefully assessed. If the output matches your ideal profile, the candidate is presented to you.
A smooth process
Managing the entire recruitment process with you or your talent acquisition team, including: scheduling interviews, collecting and giving feedback, benchmarking salary packages, negotiating job offers and signing the contract ... euh not ... that's your responsibility 😉
Your open spot is filled and you can rest assured you’ve found the most suitable person for the job.
What others have to say
Let's get in touch.
Get in touch with Ilse to bring the most suitable talent to your team.